Meet Doctor Anita Gupta
Dr. Anita Gupta is an actively practicing Board Certified Anesthesiologist doctor
Top #10 global wellness & health expert with 20K+ followers
Award Top #50 Top Thinkers Top Voices, Patient Advocacy Award, Top #100 Inspiring Leader, HBS Featured Alum
Featured in Forbes, Rutgers Magazine, World Economic Forum

Doctor Anita Gupta is a board-certified anesthesiologist physician, media personality, educator, writer, and policy expert.
Featured in Forbes on how AI is advancing healthcare. Read here.
Featured on open innovation in underserved communities. Read here.
Doctor Anita Gupta provides reliable, evidence-based medical analysis with over 5K research reads & 1K citations.
New York Times
I Had Breakthrough Covid. Can I Start Living Like It’s 2019?
As Omicron cases skyrocketed, Doctor Anita Gupta served as expert on how more vaccinated people may get “hybrid” immunity after a breakthrough infection.
Forbes Business Council
Five Ways AI is Advancing the Future of Health
Health innovation has been rapidly changing, Doctor Anita Gupta discusses on Forbes this is mostly due to the incredible potential of artificial intelligence (AI) becoming more open, equitable and accessible around the world due to open generative AI resources.
WebMD Pain Expert
Pain Meds: Side Effects No One Tells You About
Pain medications are associated with many side effects. Doctor Anita Gupta discusses how these can sometimes get overlooked unintentionally as you pick them up, or if you forget to read their labels.
- Forbes Business Council - WebMD - World Economic Forum - NBC - Washington Post - NY Times - Philadelphia Inquirer
- Forbes Business Council - WebMD - World Economic Forum - NBC - Washington Post - NY Times - Philadelphia Inquirer

Doctor Anita Gupta is a trusted source and physician expert, earning millions of views.
Dr. Anita Gupta is Milken Institute’s Author of the Power of Ideas, Empowering Patients as Change Agents in the Future of Health.
Watch Here Dr. Anita Gupta at the Milken Institute’s Global Forum in Los Angeles.
Dr. Anita Gupta is a #3X top-selling author with Oxford University Press.
Featured on Amazon include "50 Studies Every Anesthesiologist Should Know," "Pharmacology in Anesthesia Practice," and "Interventional Pain Medicine."

Doctor Anita Gupta is a recognized leader on breakthrough innovation and named a Thinkers Top Voice and World Economic Forum Expert.
Featured in New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News, USA Today, Rutgers Magazine.
Forbes author on future of health and health innovation.

Dr. Anita Gupta on Pain Proofing your Life with Doctor Oz: Treating Pain During a National Emergency
When Seconds Count®: Kathleen Callahan
Amtrak Crash in Philadelphia | Dr. Anita Gupta on CNN Live Tonight on Pain and Traumatic Injuries
Dr. Anita Gupta on CNN's HLN on Beyonce's Father Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Dr. Anita Gupta on CNN's HLN discusses the Opioid National Emergency Declaration with Carol Costello
4 Tips for Managing Stress with Fibromyalgia | Dr. Anita Gupta on HealthiNation

Doctor Anita Gupta has led key frontline health initiatives that are essential to defining healthcare digital trust in today’s evolving medical landscape.
Read Dr. Anita Gupta’s research work featured in the National Academies on defining digital trust in healthcare.
Doctor Anita Gupta is a globally recognized expert renowned for her exceptional skills and extensive knowledge in pharmacology.
Top #50 Thinkers on digital innovation, open innovation and patient centricity. Read more in Rutgers Magazine.

Dr. Anita Gupta on How to Pain-Proof Your Life on The Dr. Oz Show.
2019 Milken Global, How Drug Trafficking is Fueling the Opioid Crisis, moderated by Dr. Anita Gupta
Dr. Anita Gupta on CNN's HLN with Michaela on Tiger Woods
Forbes: Empowering Women To Succeed In Health Care Leadership
Sedative Drug Quaaludes, Bill Cosby Case | Dr. Anita Gupta on CNN
Forbes: Digital Health: How Technology Is Creating A Vision For The Future
Forbes: What We Can Do About The Opioid Crisis During The Pandemic
Forbes: Five Trends In Digital Health Transformation
4 Simple Self-Care Tips to Ease Fibromyalgia Pain | Dr. Anita Gupta Discussed on HealthiNation